• +90 850 885 5 855
  • medical@medilifeturkey.com
  • Istanbul


There are several advantages to traveling to Istanbul for medical treatment:

  1. Expertise and High-Quality Healthcare Services

    Istanbul is home to some of the finest hospitals and expert physicians in Turkey. The healthcare sector in the city is highly advanced and diverse, providing opportunities for treatment with specialized doctors in various medical fields.

  2. Variety of Hospital Options

    Istanbul boasts numerous private and public hospitals, offering a wide range of choices for patients. This allows individuals to select the most suitable hospital for their treatment needs.

  3. Cutting-Edge Technologies and Treatment Methods

    Hospitals in Istanbul provide healthcare services using state-of-the-art equipment and innovative treatment methods. This enables patients to benefit from the latest medical technologies and treatment options.

  4. Cosmopolitan City

    Istanbul has a cosmopolitan nature with a diverse population from various cultures. This means that the city has experienced healthcare professionals who can cater to the needs of international patients, providing services at international standards.

  5. Easy Accessibility

    Istanbul is easily accessible by air, land, and sea routes. Having an international airport makes it convenient for patients traveling from other countries.

  6. Touristic and Cultural Richness

    Istanbul is renowned for its rich historical heritage, cultural diversity, natural beauty, and vibrant social activities that continue day and night. During the treatment process, patients can explore the city, visit historical and touristic sites, and immerse themselves in the local culture.

  7. Accommodation and Gastronomic Opportunities

    Istanbul offers a wide range of accommodation options, including hotels and lodging facilities to suit every budget. Additionally, the city boasts a rich culinary culture, allowing patients to experience a variety of flavors and cuisines.

In conclusion, Istanbul offers numerous advantages for traveling for medical treatment. The city’s high-quality healthcare services, expert physicians, diverse hospital options, cutting-edge technologies, cultural and touristic attractions, and easy accessibility make it an attractive destination for medical tourism.

Creating a travel plan for medical travel can be beneficial by following the steps below:

  1. Determining the treatment need

    Firstly, it is important to identify the required treatment. At this stage, it is crucial to communicate with your doctor to obtain detailed information about the treatment process.

  2. Selecting the target country and healthcare institution

    Choosing the desired country and healthcare institution for medical tourism is important. By conducting research, you can evaluate the options and determine which country and institution are most suitable for you. Factors such as the healthcare system, treatment costs, doctors’ experience, and technological infrastructure of the healthcare institution should be taken into consideration.

  3. Planning the travel

    The travel plan may vary depending on your treatment process and preferences. You should plan details such as travel dates, duration, accommodation arrangements, and transportation. Additionally, you may need to schedule appointments for visiting the healthcare institution.

  4. Pre-travel preparations

    There are preparations that need to be done before the travel. You should complete passport and visa procedures, obtain health insurance, and have any necessary vaccinations. It is also important to have the required documents and prescriptions with you during the travel.

  5. Travel and treatment process

    During the travel and treatment process, you should follow the instructions of the healthcare institution and your doctor. You should attend your scheduled appointments regularly and take your medications as prescribed. Additionally, you should pay attention to hygienic measures to protect your health during travel and keep emergency contact information with you.

  6. Post-travel planning

    After the medical treatment, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and schedule necessary follow-up appointments. Focus on the post-treatment recovery process and allocate time for rest. By planning your return dates, you can make necessary arrangements for post-travel adjustments.

Creating a travel plan for medical travel is important to organize your treatment process and ensure a smooth travel experience. Medilife Turkey will assist and guide you in receiving treatment in Turkey.

Visa procedures vary depending on the country where the application is made. For countries that require a visa, we provide invitation support and can assist in obtaining your visa within 30 to 45 days. Once treatment approval is received from your doctors, we generate your payment document and extend an invitation to our country. You can make the payment for the treatment upon your arrival at the hospital.

You need to inform us if you have had any prior operations related to the condition for which treatment is sought. We arrange a consultation with our doctors after you provide us with the requested documents regarding your treatment, and provide you with a plan regarding the price and process within 36 hours.

During your treatment process, we stay in touch with our doctors and intervene immediately if any unexpected issue arises. Your satisfaction and health are one of our top priorities, so we maintain constant communication and closely monitor your progress. We work diligently to be by your side at every step of your treatment and strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for you.

Throughout the treatment process, your family and friends can be with you, and there is no obstacle to that. You can go to the hospital and stay together with your loved ones during the treatment period.

We understand the importance of effective communication, and that’s why our expert colleagues will converse with you in your native language. Throughout your treatment process at our hospital, a dedicated translator who speaks your language will be by your side, ensuring clear understanding and smooth interactions. With this personalized approach, you can confidently continue your treatment without any language barriers, enjoying a seamless experience for accommodations and transfers. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we are committed to making your journey with us as pleasant and hassle-free as possible.

Healthcare services in Turkey are approximately 75% to 85% cheaper compared to other countries.

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